Handelsname:JSV International Assistant Service
JSV International Assistant Service help businesses and individuals through providing complete administrative support including personal assistant services.
Business is based in Prague, Czech Republic.
The brand of JSV International was established and launched towards the end of 2009.
We provide Administration support. We do what you need, when you need it.
We are available on a 24/7 basis.
We offer:
Flexible booking options: 1, up 10 hours to use over a month. 10 hours up more 25% discount of fee
Fees fixed in advance
Why choose us:
There is no long term commitment. There is no VAT to pay. There are no office overheads.
Fees of service:
Hourly: 16 Euro 25 USD
Working day: 105 Euro 155 USD
We thank you very much for our business and look forward for cooperation.
JSV International Assistant service
CEO Jana Svihlova
http://www. internationalassist ant. eu
• Administrative support
• Translation and Interpreter
• Arrangement and organisation
• Deputising for the client
• Office responsibility
• Conducts media and PR
• Making bookings
• Put together business plans
• Online research
• Prepare documents, invoices, calls
• Develop start-up projects
• Arranging business travel
We natively communicate in languages: Czech, Slovak, English (American and British), German, French, Italian, Russian, Hungarian, Greek, Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese.
Anzahl der Mitarbeiter:6
Tag der Hinzufügung / Aktualisierung:05.07.2012
Benutzer - registriert seit:05.05.2011
Unter dem Namen zugeordnet:JSV International Assistant Service
Der Kategorie zugeordnet:DienstleistungenBaudienste
Bundesland:Andere / Ausland
Statistiken:10048 Impressionen / 1383 Besuche
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